जल उपचार डिफॉमर, फोम की समस्या को हल करना आसान


Foam problems in water treatment troubled a lot of people, debugging initial foam, surfactant foam, impact foam, peroxide foam, circulating water treatment by adding non-oxidizing biocides generated by the foam and so on, so the use of water treatment defoamer is very important.



Defoamer, also known as antifoam, have the following principles:

(1) The mechanism of foam local surface tension reduction leading to foam bursting is that higher alcohols or vegetable oils are sprinkled on the foam, and when dissolved into foam liquid, the surface tension will be significantly reduced. Because these substances generally have low solubility in water, the reduction of surface tension is limited to the local part of foam, while the surface tension around foam has almost no change. The part with reduced surface tension is strongly pulled and extended in all directions, and finally breaks.

(2) The destruction of the membrane elasticity leads to the bubble breaking defoamer added to the foam system, which will diffuse to the gas-liquid interface, making it difficult for the surfactant with foam stabilizing effect to recover the membrane elasticity.

(3) Defoamers that promote liquid film drainage can promote liquid film drainage, thus causing bubbles to burst. The foam drainage rate can reflect the stability of foam. Adding a substance that accelerates foam drainage can also play a role in defoaming.

(4) Adding hydrophobic solid particles can cause bubbles to burst on the surface of the bubbles. Hydrophobic solid particles attract the hydrophobic end of the surfactant, making the hydrophobic particles hydrophilic and entering the water phase, thereby playing a role in defoaming.

(5) Solubilizing and foaming surfactants can cause bubbles to burst. Some low molecular weight substances that can be fully mixed with the solution can solubilize the surfactant and reduce its effective concentration. Low molecular substances with this effect, such as octanol, ethanol, propanol and other alcohols, can not only reduce the surfactant concentration in the surface layer, but also dissolve into the surfactant adsorption layer, reducing the compactness of surfactant molecules, thus weakening the stability of foam.

(6) Electrolyte breakdown surfactant double electric layer plays a defoaming role in the interaction of surfactant double electric layer with foam to produce stable foaming liquid. Adding ordinary electrolyte can collapse the surfactant double electric layer.

RISE Chemical has developed a water treatment defoamer for the foaming characteristics of water treatment industry.
  • The defoaming agent is easy to disperse, fast defoaming speed, long lasting foam suppression, and will not cause secondary pollution of water.

  • The defoamer agent has strong foam inhibition and does not affect the various technical parameters of the system.

  • Defoamer dosage is small, high efficiency.

  • Defoamer is widely used in circulating water treatment, papermaking sewage, pharmaceutical sewage, leather sewage, printing and dyeing sewage, urban sewage biological treatment system; system and chemical cleaning and other water-based foaming system.

Contact for free samples!

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